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SACCOTECH Virtual Tour
Laura Chite
  • Laura Chite (CEO of CIO East Africa)

    Laura Chite

    CEO of CIO East Africa
Why Saccos Must Prioritise Digital Transformation
John Mwaka
  • John Mwaka (CEO of SASRA)

    John Mwaka

    CEO of SASRA
Innovative Leadership in The Era of Digital Transformation
George Ototo
  • George Ototo (CEO of KUSSCO)

    George Ototo

Journey Towards SACCOs Adopting Core Banking as a Service
Wambui Mbesa
  • Wambui Mbesa (CEO of INTRASOFTInternational East Africa)

    Wambui Mbesa

    CEO of INTRASOFTInternational East Africa
Meeting the need of next generation SACCOs
George Ombado
  • George Ombado (CEO of ACCOSCA)

    George Ombado

PANEL DISCUSSION: Driving SACCOs in The World of the New Normal
Wambui MbesaGeorge OmbadoHarry HareJohn Mwaka

What are the emerging opportunities for SACCOs on the wake of accelerated digital transformation? What are some of immediate next
SACCOs embark on to hasten their growth? To what extent has the SACCO industry regulator raised the bar to enhance digitization
within the sector? How were the sector players performing before COVID-19 and how are they performing now in regards to technology
adoption? What obligations, accountability and compliance measures are in place to ensure the sector players accelerate digital adoption?
What policies are in place to further drive this effort?

  • Wambui Mbesa (CEO of INTRASOFTInternational East Africa)

    Wambui Mbesa

    CEO of INTRASOFTInternational East Africa
  • George Ombado (CEO of ACCOSCA)

    George Ombado

  • Harry Hare (Chairman & Publisher at CIO East Africa)

    Harry Hare

    Chairman & Publisher at CIO East Africa
  • John Mwaka (CEO of SASRA)

    John Mwaka

    CEO of SASRA
Thriving In The Next Digital Norm With The Cloud
Wangui Njoroge
  • Wangui Njoroge (Channel Manager at Veritas Technologies LLC)

    Wangui Njoroge

    Channel Manager at Veritas Technologies LLC
Enabling SACCO Omni-Channel for Members Experience
Solomon Atsiaya
  • Solomon Atsiaya (CEO of Kenya Police Sacco Society)

    Solomon Atsiaya

    CEO of Kenya Police Sacco Society
PANEL DISCUSSION: Why Migration to Cloud Makes Sense for SACCOs
Ali HusseinTony MuteroWinnie SergonEdith Kipsang

While addressing the now and planning the next, does cloud emerge as one of the lasting shifts that SACCOs should adopt? From a transformation and innovation perspective, how should SACCOs explore the role of cloud as a socio-economic development enabler? What concerns and barriers do SACCOs have in migrating to the cloud? How has cloud impacted socio-economic

  • Ali Hussein (Founder & CEO of Kipochi Limited)

    Ali Hussein

    Founder & CEO of Kipochi Limited
  • Tony Mutero (General Manager -ICT at Kenya Police Sacco Society)

    Tony Mutero

    General Manager -ICT at Kenya Police Sacco Society
  • Winnie Sergon (Head of ICT at Boresha SACCO)

    Winnie Sergon

    Head of ICT at Boresha SACCO
  • Edith Kipsang (CIO at Kimisitu Sacco)

    Edith Kipsang

    CIO at Kimisitu Sacco
Securing Identities in Evolving SACCOs
Juan Antonio Rodríguez Ibánez
  • Juan Antonio Rodríguez Ibánez (EMEA Sales Director for the Digital Identity Area of Entrust Datacard.)

    Juan Antonio Rodríguez Ibánez

    EMEA Sales Director for the Digital Identity Area of Entrust Datacard.
Harnessing the SACCO Intelligence Security Culture
Dr. Bright Mawudor
  • Dr. Bright Mawudor (Founder of Africa Hackon)

    Dr. Bright Mawudor

    Founder of Africa Hackon
PANEL DISCUSSION: Future-Proofing SACCOs for future Uncertainties
Dr. Bright MawudorAbdulrazaaq AdanJuan Antonio Rodríguez IbánezWeever MbakayaAprielle Oichoe

How secure are the SACCO digital platforms? With our modern dependence on technology and security, from what stage should
organizations develop a security culture? How effective are SACCOs dealing with the digital threat landscape as more SACCOs gear towards
digital transformation. While security awareness appears widespread and possibly mainstreamed, why has security culture not kept up with
the pace of threat landscape? To what extent are data privacy concerns an issue to SACCOs?

  • Dr. Bright Mawudor (Founder of Africa Hackon)

    Dr. Bright Mawudor

    Founder of Africa Hackon
  • Abdulrazaaq Adan (CIO at Stima SACCO)

    Abdulrazaaq Adan

    CIO at Stima SACCO
  • Juan Antonio Rodríguez Ibánez (EMEA Sales Director for the Digital Identity Area of Entrust Datacard.)

    Juan Antonio Rodríguez Ibánez

    EMEA Sales Director for the Digital Identity Area of Entrust Datacard.
  • Weever Mbakaya (Founder of Sarami Africa)

    Weever Mbakaya

    Founder of Sarami Africa
  • Aprielle Oichoe (Managing Director of Infosphere)

    Aprielle Oichoe

    Managing Director of Infosphere